A Virtual platform loaded with every-day office technology learning.

We keep our Computers pulsing with Latest Application Updates.

Experience the learning on latest Excel, Excel Macros, Access, Project, Power BI, PowerPoint, Visio.

Your life-time learning license to:

Standard Excel
Advanced Excel
Excel Analytics & Dashboard
Excel Pivots and Charts
Power BI

Know about All Courses


Visit our site kenhal.com and make your choice for the required course. Fill the Enquiry form.

Our Course Coordinator will connect with you and guide you to a course plan.


Once you have decided about your learning, you can register by paying your fee here.

You will be given a Login ID to access your desired course. In case you are adding a new course, the course will be added to your additional Login ID.


Login to your course with your Login ID, and start learning your course. In case you need any support during your learning, you can send the mail.

Our support Email ID is [email protected]